Drahguhn Pruhduxions

No Body, No Crime: How The System Failed The Turner Family Case Introduction

Episode Summary

In December of 1997, Shannon Rayanne Turner left her job in the early morning hours, never to be seen again. At the time of her disappearance, Shannon was dating a man by the name of David Mays. Mays was the enforcer for the green region outlaw biker gang located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Numerous witnesses have stated that Mays is responsible for the disappearance and murder of Shannon Turner. Aside from the obvious questions, what happened to Shannon and where is she, another question remains- how has David Mays escaped accountability with so many witness statements? What has the system done to bring forth justice that Shannon rightly deserves? Where and why did they drop the ball? For more information, photos, flyers, uploaded documents, contacts, etc., please visit Shannon's entry at: https://www.roomonetwentyone.org/indianaentries/shannon-rayanne-turner-white-female-missing-from-indianapolis-indiana-since-december-1997

Episode Notes

Individuals named in this episode are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Information provided within this podcast  was retrieved from public records and verifiable sources. Any music played in the background of this podcast belongs to rightful copyright owner and was purchased legally. This podcast is not utilized for any monetary gain. All work done is on a voluntary basis with the goal of bringing justice for the victim in this case. 

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